Saturday, February 26, 2011

Oven-Fried Potato Wedges

The Food Scavenger's roommate has finally tired of eating potatoes and so she decided to end her potato eating days by making oven-fried potato wedges. She'd searched long and hard through the Internet looking at recipes, which involved oil and spices and custom-made condiments, but when push came to shove (or her own weekend laziness and show-watching came to fore), she acted simply, blindly baking and cutting.

Thus, the oven-fried potato wedge was born. By her second baking attempt, she'd happened on the perfect baking time and temperature.

First, collect the necessary materials (knife for cutting, potatoes, and aluminum foil):

Then, while pre-heating the oven to 400 degrees Fahrenheit slice up the potato into wedges:

Done, arrange them onto aluminum foil paper and place them into the oven, like so and wait 45 minutes for the beautiful browning and crunch below:

Enjoy as is or with your favorite accompaniments (in this scavenger's case: enjoy with dijon mustard):

Lovely, no?

Potato Skin Wedges Recipe: Cut two potatoes into wedges of 6 to 8 depending on the size of the potato. Then, bake for 45 minutes at 400 degrees Fahrenheit. Serve immediately.

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