Sunday, July 10, 2011

Brandy Peach Yogurt Ice Cream

So Food Scavenger has her own camera now.

What does this mean? Badly lit, unprofessional images will now abound! Why? Because the Food Scavenger makes food at night and the lights in the Food Scavenger's home are always on the fritz when it comes to showing off food.

Although, oddly enough, shadowy corners, like so, look quite pretty:

The darkly lit tulips, a romantic, organic contrast to the modernist glass-cut stand of the lamp and just to pique your curiosity the dated photograph of a young woman, head angled towards you, expression unreadable.

Now, though, the Food Scavenger hastens you towards another darkly lit scene: brandy.

Oh, brandy. So beautiful. So tasty. So good to peaches.

Brandy Peach Ice Cream
5 peaches
1 c. yogurt
1/4 c. brandy
2 tbsp. brown sugar

Soak 2 peaches in 2 tablespoons of sugar and 1/4 cup brandy overnight.

The next day, blend with 1 cup yogurt. The yogurt should preferably be original and plain and therefore containing fat. Food Scavenger knows people throw words around like "Greek" and "mesh strainer" and "cheese cloth."

But Food Scavenger is lazy and thinks the world of Costco so there you have it: Mountain High Plain Yogurt.

Blend with 1 more peach.

Toss into blender.

Then toss into ice cream maker.

10-15 minutes in, add 2 diced up peaches.

See yonder soft serve ice cream in ice cream bowl?
5 minutes later, shovel into a ice cream cone and run around the house trying to find the right source of light to take a good picture of the brandy peach ice cream.

At the living room table...
In front of the refridgerator...
Fail utterly.

Fail to resist licking at ice cream (oh, you may wonder, why is the ice cream so shiny and oddly shaped?).

Flail at various passerbys (blood-related) to try the ice cream.

Realize already half the ice cream is gone.


Realize, though, that there's always another day to make ice cream. Cuddle ice cream maker bowl. Clean it. Dry it. Store in freezer for the next day.

Other considerations for the considering: why so many peaches? Taste. Making use of the natural color of the peaches. Creating different textures in the ice cream.

Why not skin the peaches? Food Scavenger likes the skin of her fruits.

WHY so many peaches? Food Scavenger rails against frozen yogurts and ice cream that declare themselves "fruit-flavored."

Whenever Food Scavenger reads something like that Food Scavenger's mind starts and stalls.


Why would Food Scavenger eat a frozen dairy dessert that was merely "fruit-flavored?"

Food Scavenger: Putting the peach in yogurt peach ice cream.

So Brandy Peach Ice Cream is completely Food Scavenger-indulgent. Like so many food-related projects in Food Scavenger's life.

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