Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Rum and Raisin Ice Cream

Sometimes, Food Scavenger can be quite foolish. Like typing up an entire post in a sticky note and then inexplicably closing the sticky note. Like scoffing inside at the idea of rum and raisin ice cream usurping flavors like coffee and chocolate.

Rum and raisin ice cream is Food Scavenger's mother's favorite ice cream.

The flavor also seems to have disappeared off the face of the earth (or off the nearby grocery store). Like mocha cappucino with spherical brownie bites (that had a crunchy inside that released an intensely coffee-flavored cookie). Life coffee fudge chunk.

However, Food Scavenger is always eager to delve into uncharted, gustatory waters.

Food Scavenger also happened to have used up a 2 liter bottle of brandy.

Don't look at Food Scavenger like that. Food Scavenger is dedicated. So, there she went to get herself this piratey libation of rum.

Then, she began to make the ice cream. She soaked raisins in rum. She saw the base come together, fluffy and white like snow, smooth as silk. She tasted this rum and raisin nonsense.

And was converted. She devoured this exotic, refreshing entity and then flapped around the kitchen trying to get rid of her brain freeze.

Rum and Raisin Ice Cream
2 1/2 to 3 c. milk (Food Scavenger happened to use 2% this time)
3/4 c. rum
2/3 c. raisins

Soak the raisins in 1/2 cup of rum overnight.

The raisins should be plump, having soaked in the rum-goodness.

Plump and drunk on rum.
There should still be a little rum at the bottom. Pour this rum into a 1/4 cup measuring cup. The measuring cup should be roughly half-filled, so about 1/8 cup. Fill the measuring cup with brandy till full. Pour this into a container (preferably, the container that will also keep the ice cream). Then add the milk.

Prep ice cream maker per ice cream maker's instructions. Add milk and brandy mixture.

10-15 minutes in, in which the mixture will have become smooth and fluffy, add the raisins.

Snowy fluff with scattered raisins.

If raisins be not your sweet of choice, then the base could become a horchata ice cream base by adding cinnamon and sugar or be the base for any other mixture (with cookies maybe or chocolate, etc).

For the Food Scavenger's enjoyment, Food Scavenger supplemented the rum and raisin ice cream with a chocolate puddle cookie and poured onto the affair an extra dash of rum.

That's the life for Food Scavenger.

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